What You Never Knew About Wine Bottles

Dear Kid,

Once upon a time, Mrs. Joe Neanderthal decided to throw a Fancy Dinner Party. While she cooked a large Rump of Mammoth, she sent Joe down to the corner to buy a couple of bottles of a nice wine.

The Complete and Total History of Wine Bottles...More or Less. DearKidLoveMom.comUnfortunately, Joe couldn’t count up to “a couple” and returned home with only one bottle. Mrs. J. N. immediately sent him out for more. Joe immediately decided that getting ready for a Fancy Dinner Party was not his idea of Fun and he spent the rest of the day at the pub, drinking beer with the guys. When he finally staggered home, Mrs. Joe clonked him on the head with the wine bottle to express her concern for his misspent afternoon.

After that, the history of wine bottles is a little murky owing to the bodily risks of preparing for a party involving alcohol.

Eventually (and by “eventually” I mean a really, really long time ago), glass was invented (primarily so that people could throw stones, but also to make bottles). At first glass bottles were très brittle, but then people discovered that they could make thicker bottles by super-heating the glass.

Glass bottles were blown round (because that was easiest) and were blown to exactly one lungful of the glassblower’s air. Which meant every bottle was its own size. (In England, it was illegal to sell wine by the bottle because of the inconsistencies in size. Wine had to be sold by the barrel, after which it could be decanted into bottles. It wasn’t until 1860 that the law was changed.)

Not only weren’t bottles standard, they were round. (NOTE: Round bottles roll. Generally off the table.) Since most wine makers preferred to keep their wine inside its container rather than having it decorate the floor, round bottles were not used for wine. So longer (non-standard) bottles were invented and people started aging wines.

In 1979, the US of A set the standard size for a glass wine bottle at 750 ml. It seems like it would have been longer ago than that. But it wasn’t.

Love, Mom

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Puppy Discusses Thanksgiving Trip | Part III

Puppy Discusses Thanksgiving Trip | Part III

Dear Kid,

The conversation continued…

Puppy Conversations: What Your Pet Wants You to Know (Conversations with the Dog) by Judi Cogen is here! Details coming soon. DearKidLoveMom.comPuppy: And then we had to drive all the way home.
Me: It was a long drive, wasn’t it?
Puppy: It lasted my whole entire life.
Me: It lasted the better part of a day.
Puppy: That’s what I said. The entire universe of time.
Me: You stayed awake for the entire trip. That’s a long time to go without a nap.
Puppy: Well, someone had to monitor our progress.
Me: I thought we were doing that…
Puppy: Not as well as I was.
Me: I see.
Puppy: We stopped at lots of places, but we didn’t stay long enough to make friends.
Me: That’s called a rest stop.
Puppy: What? We didn’t rest at all. We got out of the car.
Me: We rested from driving.
Puppy: You’re weird. There’s nothing to rest from! You were sitting the entire time.
Me: Um…
Puppy: Then we were home.
Me: Yes.
Puppy: I like home.
Me: Home is where the heart is.
Puppy: Home is where my pillow is.
Me: “Home is where the heart is” means that wherever the people you love are is your home.
Puppy: No.
Me: Excuse me?
Puppy: The people I love were on the trip with me and we definitely weren’t Home. We were Away.
Me: Yes, but…
Pi: He’s got a good point.
Puppy: It is very tiring being on a Trip. You have to meet people, and stay awake, and sniff things.
Me: It can be very tiring.
Puppy: I believe I will stay home for a while.
Me: I believe I will too.
Puppy: I believe I will have a snack.
Me: I believe you will not.
Puppy: I would have gotten a snack on the trip.
Me: Sometimes trip rules and home rules are a little different.
Puppy: Very confusing.
Me: Yes.
Puppy: Very tiring.
Me: Yes.
Puppy: zzzzzz…snort…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Love, Mom

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Puppy Discusses Thanksgiving Trip | Part II

Puppy Discusses Thanksgiving Trip | Part II

Dear Kid,

Puppy: Did I tell you about my trip?
Me: I’m pretty sure I was there with you.
Puppy: But it’s better when I tell it.
Me: I’m sure it is. What would you like to tell me?
Puppy: It’s a secret.
Me: Ah, I see. Who are we not telling?
Puppy: You.
Me: Me?
Puppy: You.
Me: What are we not telling me?
Puppy: I slept on a people bed.
Me: I can see why that would be a secret.*
Puppy: So I think I should sleep on a people bed at home too.
Me: No.
Puppy: Good, so I …wait, what?
Me: No.
Puppy: But that was what I learned!
Me: Uh-huh.
Puppy: And we’re supposed to practice what we learn!
Me: There are different rules in different houses. Our rules haven’t changed.
Puppy: But I LIKED sleeping on a people bed at Auntie M’s.
Me: I’m sure you did.
Puppy: And I’m sure I would like sleeping on a people bed in our house.
Me: You are doomed to disappointment.

Love, Mom

*In our house, Puppies do not go upstairs and they do not sleep on people beds.


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Puppy Discusses Thanksgiving Trip | Part I

Dear Kid,

Puppy: Do you want to hear about our trip?
Pi: I was on the trip. I was there.
Puppy: So I can tell you about it, right?Puppy Conversations DearKidLoveMom.com
Pi: Sure, you tell me about it.
Puppy: First, we rode in the car. And everybody got to try different seats. Except me. I sat in the same seat the whole time.
Pi: Except when you sat on me.
Puppy: Well, technically you were in my seat.
Pi: Technically, there are three seats in the backseat and you took up all of them.
Puppy: Really? I thought they were all mine.
Pi: And you are a very small puppy, so taking up all that space is quite a feat.
Puppy: I have four feet.
Pi: Yes.
Puppy: And then we met People.
Pi: You like people.
Puppy: They were very nice People.
Pi: Who else did you meet?
Puppy: The Dog.
Pi: And he’s a Very Sweet Dog.
Puppy: He’s enormous!
Pi: And very sweet.
Puppy: He watched me eat. I think he wanted my food.
Pi: He’s a Labrador. He wants everyone’s food.
Puppy: But I want my food!
Pi: You got your food. No one took it away from you.
Puppy: But he watched.
Pi: I’m pretty sure you watched each other.
Puppy: He watched more.
Pi: And you watched all the people eat.
Puppy: No one shared the turkey with me and it smelled DELICIOUS!!!
Pi: It’s rough when everyone knows the rules, isn’t it?
Puppy: No one even spilled crumbs. It was very disappointing.
Pi: Just in case you were curious, it was delicious…..
Puppy: Now I’m even more disappointed.

Love, Mom

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Why Football on Thanksgiving Weekend Is More Confusing Than It Should Be

Why Football on Thanksgiving Weekend Is More Confusing Than It Should Be

Dear Kid,

On Thanksgiving, we take a moment to focus, to appreciate all that is important. To reflect on the important things in life. To honor priorities. In short, to watch football.

There are a lot of football games on Thanksgiving weekend.

In an attempt to give the holiday its due, your father tried to watch all of them.

Never mind that we don’t have 437 TVs. Never mind that we don’t get all 46 billion channels. Dad flipped channels like it was his job.

Which is disconcerting for someone like me.

I generally watch football While Doing Other Things. Like writing to you. I glance up, make sure the players are doing what they’re supposed to do, and go back to whatever else I’m focused on. I think I glance up frequently enough that I don’t miss too much (#InstantReplayRules).

It’s a technique that works brilliantly under normal conditions.

This Thanksgiving, “normal conditions” were nowhere in sight.

Football Themed Treats (yum!). DearKidLoveMom.comI’m used to every now and then getting so engrossed in what I’m doing that I miss a great play or – occasionally – a scoring play, and I look up to find that there has been a major shift in the game.

I am not used to every now and then glancing up to see that the uniforms have changed.

At first I thought the color on the TV went all wonky.

Then I realized The Great Channel Flip had commenced. I commented to Dad that normal people watch one game at a time. Apparently my comment was not worthy of a response, although I’m pretty sure there was an implied withering look.

The upshot is that there was a lot of football, but I have no idea what happened in any of it.

Presumably some teams won.

I’m sure you know more about it than I do.

Love, Mom

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Recipe for Thanksgiving

Dear Kid,

Recipe for Thanksgiving

What do you mean "We're having turkey?" Go vegan! Dessert, pie, potatoes, veggies, Yum. Thanksgiving. DearKidLoveMom.com1 turkey

1/2 gallon of gravy; zero lumps

1 dish of sweet potatoes

1 dish of mashed potatoes

Corn soufflé

Green beans with almonds

Roasted Brussel sprouts

3 kinds of cranberry sauce

Sage stuffing

4,872 mini pumpkin muffins

Rolls. Lots and lots of rolls

15 football games

1 Thanksgiving Day parade

2 dogs

4 pies

17 friends

Water with ice

Adult beverages in appropriate amounts

1 surprise guest

2 naps


Two dogs and two people taking naps

Hearts full of thanks and gratitude

What’s your recipe?

Love, Mom

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