Dear Kid,

Me: Why do dogs turn around before they settle down to sleep?
Pi: That’s a good question.
Puppy: No it’s not.
Me: It’s not?
Puppy: No.
Pi: Why isn’t it a good question?
Puppy: The good question is, “Why don’t you turn around before you go to sleep?”
Me: That is a good question.
Pi: No it’s not.
Me: It’s not?
Pi: No.
Puppy: Why isn’t it a good question?
Pi: If Mom turned around before she went to sleep, she’d get dizzy and fall over.
Puppy: True.
Me: Wait a minute!
Puppy Conversations: What Your Pet Wants You to Know (Conversations with the Dog) by Judi Cogen is here! Details coming soon. DearKidLoveMom.comPuppy: You can’t argue that.
Me: Can we please go back to the original question?
Puppy: The bad question?
Me: MY question. And I’m holding the treats.
Puppy: The Brilliant question.
Pi: Way to stand by your opinion.
Me: So why do dogs turn around before they settle down to sleep?
Puppy: There are several theories.
Pi: Like…?
Puppy: The most popular is that we turn around to flatten down the grass and make a little nest to sleep in.
Pi: … you do realize there’s no grass inside the house, right?…
Puppy: Another theory is that is that we turn around to look in all directions for enemies.
Pi: …would that be the squirrels outside or the TV in the family room?…
Puppy: Yet another theory is that we turn around to find our teddy bears.
Pi:…wait, what?
Puppy: But the real reason
Me: Yes?
Puppy: Is that it’s fun.
Pi: And makes people curious.
Puppy: Well, yeah that goes without saying.

Love, Mom

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