
Dog Fight, Snoopy, and Parenting

Dog Fight, Snoopy, and Parenting

Dear Kid,

A friend of mine was in a dog fight. Not the cool, imaginary Snoopy and the Red Baron kind. A real, go to the hospital and have a boatload of stitches kind.

Not the cool, imaginary Snoopy and the Red Baron kind of dog fight. DearKidLoveMom.com

The bad part is that the dogs in question are her dogs. And she kept yelling to the ER docs, “I have to go, my dog is hurt!”

My friend (you don’t know her and she lives in a different part of the country) will be fine. Her dogs (generally very sweet loving creatures) will be fine. I’m not at all sure that I will be fine.

The dogs are big and high energy but well behaved. They live happily in a fenced-in yard where they have plenty of room to run and play. They also have neighbors.

Ill-behaved neighborhood boys.

Badly-behaved local hooligans.



Who—not for the first time—came by the back fence and goaded the dogs into fighting.

Who does that?!!!

My friend has spoken to the boys’ parents. More than once. Apparently, the parents are complete and utter twits because they don’t seem to care (at all) that their boys are mistreating animals.

How clueless are these parents???

My friend is going to talk to them again. She thinks maybe now that she’s been so significantly injured the parents might take notice.

YO! Parents: Lawsuit on the horizon!

But it shouldn’t take the threat of legal action to get parents to raise reasonably behaved children.


Sending happy healing thoughts to my friend and her dogs. And hopes that the boys’ parents get their act together before too long.

Love, Mom

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Puppy Conversations | What Happened to My Grass?

Puppy Conversations | What Happened to My Grass?

Dear Kid,

Puppy Conversations DearKidLoveMom.comPuppy: ?
Puppy: ???
Pi: G’morning. Yawn.
Puppy: ?!!!
Pi: What’s wrong?
Puppy: Where’s my grass?
Pi: Your grass?
Puppy: I need my grass.
Pi: Tell me what happened.
Puppy: Mom and I went outside.
Pi: Uh-huh…
Puppy: And Mom started weeding and I started napping.
Pi: Which must have been very cute.
Puppy: I’m always cute
Pi: True. And I looked out the window and saw you napping near the blueberry bushes using the driveway as a pillow. That was especially cute.
Puppy: I am always especially cute.
Pi: Continue with the story.
Puppy: When I woke up, there was no grass!
Pi: There is still lots of grass.
Puppy: Not where Mom was weeding. It was like she peeled a banana!
Pi: A banana?
Puppy: Only just dirt. No banana.
Pi: We don’t grow many bananas around here.
Puppy: We don’t grow much grass around here anymore either.
Pi: What did Dad say?
Puppy: Something about if it makes her happy it makes him happy.
Pi: Wise man.
Puppy: And then he said, “But no flame throwers.” And Mom said she already thought of that but she didn’t want toasted blueberries.
Pi: You can toast blueberries?
Puppy: The way Mom was going, nothing was safe. Not even me!
Pi: What do you mean, not even you?
Puppy: What if Mom decides to weed me?
Pi: She might brush you, but she’s not going to weed you.
Puppy: Are you sure?
Pi: Quite.
Puppy: So what about my grass?
Pi: I think you’re going to have to make due with what’s left.
Puppy: Don’t you think she’ll rip out more?
Pi: Quite probably. But since she’s doing it by hand, it will be slow going.
Puppy: What does that mean?
Pi: It means the weeds will probably grow back in the first area before she finishes weeding the next area.
Puppy: Does “weeds” mean “grass”?
Pi: In this case, yes.
Puppy: Silly Mommy.
Pi: True. Would you like a snuggle?
Puppy: Does Mom weed?
Pi: Not very effectively. Come here you.

Love, Mom

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The Puppy Takes Over and Writes About Gardening

The Puppy Takes Over and Writes About Gardening

Dear Kid,

Mom has been very busy gardening. That means I get to go outside with her and watch. And nap in the grass which is very nice.

I’ve learned a lot from her.

Did you know that when you’re ripping weeds and grass out of an area where you are going to put down rocks and you find a worm, you say, “Go help the iris” and throw the worm into other plants? Apparently worms aren’t very smart because you say it a lot.

And did you know that when you wander away and Mom chirps, “Puppy, come!” and you go running over with your ears flapping you get a piece of turkey jerky? That’s my favorite part about gardening. DearKidLoveMom.comAnd did you know that when you wander away and Mom chirps, “Puppy, come!” and you go running over with your ears flapping you get a piece of turkey jerky? That’s my favorite part about gardening.

I also like the digging part. Last night when I was digging, Mom looked over and said, “What are you doing?” but she said it in a happy voice so I kept digging. I didn’t find anything so I went back to sniffing which is one of the things I’m VERY good at.

Then Mom dumped the firebowl and she made mud. She dumped it because there was a lot of water in it and she explained that you can’t make fire when there is water in the bowl (which is fine with me because I don’t like fires). She made mud because she isn’t a very good dumper and the water didn’t exactly go where she wanted it to. She said some things in a not so happy voice.

Do you know what Mom says when you play in the mud she just made? It’s not “Go help the iris.” It’s not even the same thing she said when she made the mud. And it’s not in a very happy voice.

And then she said, “Oh, Puppy….” and the next thing I knew I was having a bath.

Love, Mom Puppy

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The Puppy, the Robin, and the Worm

Dear Kid,

The Puppy and I saved a worm today.

Puppy's (temporary) new best friend. DearKidLoveMom.comWe were out for our morning walk (as we do in the morning), and saw a robin yanking up a worm for breakfast. The worm seemed to be exceptionally reluctant to be eaten; the robin seemed to be exceptionally intent on eating it.

We were curious, the Puppy and I. So we gently, ever so gently, took a few steps forward to get a better look-see.

We did not intend to deprive the robin of his morning repast. We did not intend to rescue the worm.

But the robin got a little spooked and took off and the worm dove underground. The robin didn’t go far and in no time at all was chomping on some bugs and listening for worms.

Listening for worms? One of the world’s Top 10 Silent Creatures?

Apparently so.

Birds use sight (oooh, look! Worm tail!), sound (me thinks I hear a worm!), scent (fe-fi-fo-fum, I smell worm!), vibrations (the earth is shaking! It must be a worm!), and Google maps to find their prey.

Worms on the other hand have far more limited skills. They eat dirt so you really can’t expect highly developed brains. Worms can feel vibrations but too often instead of interpreting the vibration correctly (dang! It’s bird! Dive! Dive!), they poke their heads up (forgetting that they are blind) to see what’s going on (Hey, wanna be friends?).

While the worm we saved didn’t stick around to award us the Badge of Worm Savior, we waved good morning to its tail and went on our way.

Love, Mom

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Seven Things You Never Knew About Dogs

Dear Kid,

We all (and by “all” I mean “all people who like dogs”) know that dogs are wonderful, adorable, and pretty much the best listeners on the planet. But do you know that.

Puppy running with the ball. Puppy Conversations #PuppyConversations DearKidLoveMom.comDogs have three (count ‘em, 3) eyelids. The third lid (the nictitating membrane) keeps puppy’s eyes moist and lubricated.

Speaking of eyes, in ancient Egypt when a pet dog died, its owners would shave their eyebrows off and smear mud in their hair as part of their mourning. Today, most people skip the eyebrow shave.

The sign of the dog in Chinese astrology symbolizes loyalty and discretion with a touch of the temperamental. The Mayans symbolized every 10th day with the dog which symbolized outstanding leadership skills.

Queen Elizabeth (the 1st) had a thing for pocket beagles. (Pocket beagles are typically 7-11 inches tall, a height also achieved when one is a beagle/dachshund rescue mix).

Dogs have 18 muscles in each ear. While they have excellent hearing, food often improves their ability to hear and interpret commands.

If they decide to run to you to get the food you’re bribing them with, you might notice that the average dog runs about 19 mph (plus or minus depending on their age, weight, distance involved, and how well you chose the bribe in question).

A group of pugs is called a “grumble.” I have no idea why.

Love, Mom

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Puppy Conversations | How We Spent Saturday

Puppy Conversations | How We Spent Saturday

Dear Kid,

The Puppy and I were snuggling in the hammock.

Puppy: You left me.
Me: We left you earlier, but just for a while.
Puppy Conversations DearKidLoveMom.comPuppy: Where did you go?
Me: First we went down to Fountain Square.
Puppy: Why did you go there?
Me: We went to a Climate Change Rally.
Puppy: I would like to go to a Climate Change Rally.
Me: Possibly another time.
Puppy: So did you?
Me: Did we what?
Puppy: Did you change the climate?
Me: Well, not yet.
Puppy: Then it can’t have been a very good rally.
Me: And then we had lunch.
Puppy: I like lunch.
Me: But this was not a lunch for Puppies.
Puppy: That’s not very friendly.
Me: It was a lovely lunch. Then we went to the Kirby Nature Preserve’s new Nature Center.
Puppy: I like nature centers.
Me: I think you would have liked going to on the hike with us.
Puppy: I LOVE hikes.
Me: Then we went to Putz’s for ice cream.
Puppy: I like ice cream.
Me: You’ve never had ice cream.
We took Pi to Putz's Creamy Whip for ice cream. DearKidLoveMom.comPuppy: But I’m sure I would like ice cream.
Me: I’m sure you would too.
Puppy: But you didn’t take me!
Me: No, we didn’t take you.
Puppy: I’m sad.
Me: But we’re back home now.
Puppy: Yes! You’re here now.
Me: And we’re snuggling.
Puppy: I’m so happy.
Me: I’m glad, honey. I’m happy too.

Love, Mom

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