Dear Kid,

Me: Coffee, I need coffee.
Puppy: Let’s go for a walk.
Me: It’s raining. You hate rain.
Puppy: Let’s go for a walk.
Me: I really, really need coffee.
Puppy: Let’s take the coffee for a walk.
Me: You hate the rain. Or did I say that already?
Puppy: I don’t hate the rain. I love the rain.
Me: Who are you and what have you done with the dog that lives here?
Puppy: Don’t you think it would be a great idea?
Me: Coffee working faster would be a great idea.
Puppy: Comeoncomeoncomeon.
Me: Fine. We’ll go for a walk. But you won’t be happy about it.
Puppy: What are you talking about? I love walks.
Me: Okey dokey kiddo. Let’s go.
Puppy: In that rain? Are you kidding?


I have a new pink pig and I LOVE him! Come on, you, it is time to go for a walk.
Puppy: I’ll melt!
Me: You will not melt. You will walk.
Puppy: But I can’t go.
Me: You can’t?
Puppy: No. I can’t. I have to stay here with my new pink Pig.
Me: Your pig will wait.
Puppy: You don’t know very much about pigs, do you?

Love, Mom

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