Dear Kid,

The first few hours in Orlando left something to be desired.

Florida! DearKidLoveMom.comThings started out brilliantly.

We left Cincinnati late afternoon just before all the Weather hit.

The flight was full, full, full and Delta was happily offering to check bags rather than having to deal with overstuffed overhead bins. I had a middle seat. As I sat down, I apologized to the guy in the aisle seat saying, “I’m sorry for crushing all your hopes and dreams.” He laughed and assured me he knew the flight was full.


That the window seat remained empty and as soon as they locked the cabin door, I scooted over. Space, secured. WIN!

I had earphones with me (the fact that the cord was slightly broken and I only had sound in one ear was a mere minor technicality) and watched the movie Coco on the screen built into the seat. Score!

The captain came on the intercom to give us an update. All good.

The captain came on the intercom to give us an update. Orlando airport was closed due to weather.

The airport is open.

The airport is closed.

The airport is open and we scoot in for a landing before anyone changes their mind again.

The Weather was over, but it wasn’t nice enough to eat dinner outside (which is what you’re supposed to do when you live in Ohio and you visit Florida in the middle of the winter).

Tune in next week to hear what happened at 6:10 the next morning.

Love, Mom