Dear Kid,

Airports are weird. (I am now an expert, having been through more than one airport in the last few weeks.)

Pretty much everything about airports are weird. Standing in lines, buying things, it’s all the opposite of normal.

For example, in the Las Vegas airport (Gamble from the moment you arrive to the moment you leave! Smoke everywhere!) a banana costs more than a donut. I did not make this up. I was buying a banana (for 17 times the price of a banana in the grocery store) and another lady was buying a donut. She paid for hers with change. I had to sign paperwork and undergo a background check.

Lines at airports. DearKidLoveMom.comThen there’s the whole privilege of boarding early. People shove and maneuver and stand in line for the opportunity to have extra time in the tin tube of a plane. It’s not like it’s a ride at the amusement park. Nor you get to your destination more quickly if you board first.

In fact, the sooner you get on the plane, the sooner you are squished into a small space with the opportunity for massive numbers of people to climb over you to their seat or to bonk you with their luggage. And without access to electricity to charge the phone/Kindle/laptop/Fitbit.

And don’t even get me started on the quality of the air in the jetway.

I sort of get it on open seating flights (Southwest and some shuttles), where boarding early means you might avoid the middle seat in the steerage section. And I sort of understand it if you have carry-on luggage that needs to go in the overhead compartment and you don’t wish to be separated from your suitcase or (heaven forfend!) gate check your bag.

But basically, nope, don’t get it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, they just called my Zone and I have to race to get to my seat.

Love, Mom