Dear Kid,

It’s that time again.

Not election season (which thankfully is now behind us).

It is car-shopping season (which is my second third least favorite season. Least fave: Bathing suit shopping season. Second least fave: Nasty election season. Third: car shopping).

The lease on my no-longer-new Subaru is up in a few months (I know—can you believe it? Doesn’t it feel like I just got it?) so it is time to Consider Transportation Alternatives.

I (of course) did my research on reliable transportation.

  1. Walking. Excellent solution in a place like Manhattan; not so good here.
  2. Biking. I don’t love riding in streets, and there isn’t a bike path from our house to…anywhere. Also, trunk space is highly limited.
  3. Public transportation. Much as I love the idea of that option, this is an area devoid of regular buses, trollies, subways, and the like.
  4. Uber. Welcome to the new world. Probably not in my budget or my patience level.
  5. Segway. I would love to have a Segway. But riding a Segway is slow. And it’s a little tricky trying to give someone a lift. And it will be cold in the winter. So, no.
  6. Roller blades. Um, me? ROFL. Seriously. On. The. Floor.
  7. Swimming, swinging from vines, hang gliding. No, no, and no.

Which means car shopping. Which means I spent part of yesterday getting to know Fritz the Car Dude. DearKidLoveMom.comWhich leaves a car. Which means car shopping.

Which means I spent part of yesterday getting to know Fritz the Car Dude.

Fortunately, I have a few months before I have to make a decision.

Love, Mom