Posts Tagged "Booker"

Puppy Trains Me to Throw Toys

Puppy Teaches Me to Throw Toys  DearKidLoveMom.comDear Kid,

Being the kind of great mom that I am, I decided to play with Booker a little bit this morning.

“Come here, baby,” I called to him. Ever hopeful that there might be food involved, he trotted over to see what I wanted.

“Want to play?” I asked him. He stuck his head in my lap so I could easily scratch the back of his neck. I obliged and asked again, “Do you want to play?” He nudged my hand in a gentle rebuke that I had neglected scratching duties. I scratched.

After a minute or two, I grabbed a toy out of his bin. ‘Oh, boy!’ I could hear his brain cells say, ‘It’s my toy!’

I threw the toy across the room and he went scampering after it. It’s not an enormous room but when you have little bitty midget dachshund legs, there is plenty of room to scamper. He pounced on the toy with glee, gave me a look to say ‘Thanks, Mom!’ and lay down to chew on the toy.

“Bring it here, Booker,” I called, “Come on baby.” Important chewing continued.

I coaxed. He chewed.

I finally pulled another toy out of the bin. “Look what I have,” I sang. His head popped up. Another toy, oh boy! He came running over. “I need the toy,” I told him. He looked at the one in my hand to explain that I had the toy. “No goofy,” I said, “the one over there.” And I pointed across the room. He looked hopefully at the one I was holding. “Go get the other toy,” I said and pointed again. After a minute, he resigned himself to getting the first toy with a set of his face that clearly said, “You could probably have gotten it yourself and if I were a teenager, you can bet I’d be rolling my eyes.”

Once he brought it back, I threw the second toy. Being well trained, I pulled another toy out of the bin. He promptly brought me toy #2 and I threw toy #3. When he brought that back I threw toy #1 toward the front door. Booker went skidding across the wood floor, screeching to a halt at the last minute. He picked up the toy, and trotted back (via the carpet route). He looked to see if I had something to trade for the toy in his mouth. When he saw I did, he dropped his and waited for the throw.

Scamper, retrieve, throw another toy. Repeat.

After we’d done this about 6 times, he sat down smack in the middle of the room, dropped the toy, and scratched his ear. He enjoyed that so much he scratched the other side.

Done scratching, he picked up his toy, gave me a look, and trotted over to the window (toy in mouth) to see what was going on in the world. I was not forgotten, I was ignored. I think he’s been taking lessons in How to Snub Humans from a cat somewhere.

I got up to go see about breakfast.

Eventually he came looking for me with a wounded expression that said, “I was just looking outside for a minute—where did you go???”

I got the last word (so to speak)–I left out all his toys. He’ll have to clean them up later. Assuming no one trips over them in the meantime.

I’m off to put some of my own toys away.

Love, Mom

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What Happens After the Kid Goes Back to College

Dear Kid,

When I got home last night, Booker was waiting to great me as if I’d been gone for a month rather than a few hours.

Booker: You’re home!

This is the picture I forgot to take of the Kid's new room. Or it might be the picture I forgot to take of the new dorm.

This is the picture I forgot to take of the Kid’s new room. Or it might be the picture I forgot to take of the new dorm.

Me: Of course I’m home.

Booker: Can I have dinner?

Me: I’m pretty sure you had dinner.

Booker: Can I have a snack?

Me: No, but we can cuddle if you’d like.

Booker: Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle!

I sat down on the floor and he climbed up into my lap.

Booker: Where is the Tall Kid?

Me: I took him back to school.

Booker: Silly Mommy. School comes in yellow buses. Can you scratch a little lower?

Me: How’s that?

Booker: mmmmmmmm

Me: I took him back to college—which is a kind of school. Would you like me to tell you about it?

Booker: Yes, please.

Me: We packed all the things that had been in the dining room for the last month, and

Booker: You sent him away because he left his things in the dining room?!!!!

Me: No, but it’s something to consider for the summer.

Booker: Keep scratching.

Me: Sorry. So we packed all his things up and drove him all the way from here (I scratch Booker’s shoulder) to there (I scratch his leg) and moved him into his new room.

Booker: Who locks his crate at night?

Me: Um, no one, but the door locks by itself. He has a key.

Booker: Can I have a key?

Me: No.

Me: They have bunk-beds in their new room.

Booker: What are bunk-beds?

Me: That’s where one bed is on top of the other.

Booker finds this a hilarious concept.

Booker: Do they each have a bin for their toys? Don’t stop scratching.

Me: Well, they each have a closet, two shelves, some drawers, and a desk.

Booker: That’s a lot of space; I only have a bin.

It’s amazing how one sentence can be absolutely correct and 100% wrong at the same time.

Me: And then I came home.

Booker: To me.

Me: To you. And Daddy and Pi.

Booker: Yes.

There is a pause. (Or possibly a paws.)

Booker: Mom?

Me: mmmm?

Booker: Where is the Tall Kid?

Enjoy your Day Before Classes Begin.

Love, Mom

Booker: Say “and Booker”

Love, Mom and Booker

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Cold as in Stick Your Head in the Freezer to Warm Up | Puppy Objects

Cold as in stick your head in the freezer to warm up DearKidLoveMom.comDear Kid,

In case you hadn’t heard, it is cold. Cold as in stick your head in the freezer to warm up. Cold as in the mercury has fled to the bottom of the thermometer and is huddling there refusing to peek out. Cold as in negative numbers. Cold.

Not only is it cold (have I mentioned it’s not tropical?) we’ve had a fair amount of snow followed by big trucks  putting down whatever it is they use to melt snow these days.

As you may recall, Booker’s delicate tootsies object—strenuously—to the snow-melting stuff.

Today he took those objections to an entirely new level. Did he pick up a paw for me to clean off (as he has often done in the past)? No, not exactly. That silly little boy tried to pick up all four feet—at the same time. Have you ever seen a dog try to retract all four legs while not lowering his already low-slung body to the ground? It works in cartoons. In real life on a slippery road at 6am, not so much.

So, being the kind of mom that I am, I picked him up before he sprained a stomach muscle (or his ego), wiped off his paws, and put him back down in deeper snow. He took two steps out of the snow, right back to where he’d been, and gave me a reproachful look that said, “Why didn’t you sweep this stuff off the road?” Then he hunched in on himself and refused to move. Coaxing didn’t move him. The Look did not move him. Even when next-door-neighbor Andy backed his car into the road and prepared to run us down (I’m sure he’d have done it gently—he’s a good guy), Booker refused to move. He just shut his eyes against the headlights. Death must be better than walking! Maybe, but I scooped him up and carried him back to our house. He began to shiver to better express the pathetic-ness of his situation.

Once we got halfway up the driveway, I wiped his paws (again) and put him down. I took several steps into the lovely fresh clean snow on our lawn.

Me: Come on, baby
Booker (balefully): Why?
Me: You like snow
Booker (channeling Eeyore): Not today
Me: Come on, baby
Booker: No
Me: Booker, you need to take advantage of being outside
Booker (leaving Woebegone and moving on to Petulant): Do not. I’ll hold it
Me (using my Mom Voice): I can wait
Booker: Fine (two tiny drops of yellow appeared on the snow). I’m going in. You stay here if you want, but I’m going in.

Once we got inside, he resumed shivering to emphasize how it was my fault he was cold and, um, unrelieved.

“There you go,” I said as I finished drying him off. “Ready for breakfast?”

Instantly, all shivering forgotten, Booker became the happiest animal on the planet. Joy radiated from every inch of his being. (There aren’t many inches, but he packed a lot of radiance into each one.) Never before has breakfast been greeted so enthusiastically (Snoopy danced for suppertime, not breakfast). He spun, he skidded across the floor, he raced over to tell his toy skunk, he zoomed back to the kitchen before I could change my mind, discovered I was still taking off my boots, and began the process all over again.

Silly puppy.

Hope your day is filled with more joy and less Eeyore.

Love, Mom

 To everyone hit by Winter Storm Hercules–stay safe!



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I’m Not Tired. Really. Not at All. Zzzzzz

Dear Kid,

I'm not tired. Really. DearKidLoveMom.comThe Puppy Sitters corrupted our dog.

You could tell he had a good time because he was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open to watch for falling food. I wanted to offer him toothpicks to prop up his droopy eyelids. You could almost hear him protest “But I’m not tired” as he fought to stay awake. Reminds me of a certain child when he (the child, not the dog) was much, much younger than he is now.

This morning when we went for our walk, he wanted to go down to their house.

Booker: Where are you going?
Me: Home
Booker: I want to go see Beth
Me: Beth probably isn’t awake yet. Time to go home
Booker: Home is nice. Let’s go see Beth
Me: Come on, puppy
Booker: Beth’s is this way
Me: I know Beth’s is that way. We’re going to our house
Booker: (I’d rather go see Beth)

I’m sure it will take him a few days to recover from being away at “Camp.” In the meantime, he’s been very busy snoring adorable little puppy snores and dreaming (what I hope are) adorable little puppy dreams.

Have a great day, Kid.

Love, Mom

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Driving to Florida | Oh, the Joy of Car Living

Dear Kid,

steering-wheelWe’re driving along, heading south on a rainy, rainy day. The rain has been quite cooperative, stopping when we stop, starting up once we’re in the car—which is good because the umbrellas are packed so cleverly they are completely inaccessible.

Dear Burglars—Just kidding. We’re home. This is just a dream. Besides Vicious Dog is home waiting to attack.

We dropped Booker off at Camp Beth and John last night. He immediately set about housekeeping duties, sniffing out every last crumb he could find. We (the human adults) were happily chatting when someone said, “Where’s Booker?” We looked around, no small, furry beast. “Is he eating the cat’s food?” asked John, the Tall Counselor. Sure ‘nuff, that eternally hungry dog had gone down to the basement to relieve the cat of food eating responsibilities. The cat—being a cat—looked completely indifferent. Beth, the Not Quite as Tall Camp Counselor, laughed which is one of the reasons Booker luuuuuuvs her.

Anyway, he is happily shedding all over someone else’s house at the moment.

We are happily in the warmth of the south having driven approximately 9,876,482 miles in the last two days.

Hope you’re enjoying the warm too.

Love, Mom

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