Posts Tagged "Spring"

4/25/13 Life, Recipe for Life, Quotes, and Spring, Where Art Thou?

This photo has nothing to do with anything except that it really amuses me

This photo has nothing to do with anything except that it really amuses me

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” -Charles Swindoll

Dear Kid,

Who knew life had a recipe? Aren’t you glad you’re going to college to learn things like that?

Of course, my general philosophy in the kitchen is Start with a recipe and then ignore it. Followed by the corollary Get someone else to clean up. And the all around When in doubt, add chocolate or garlic (but not both).

Not sure what Charles would have to say about that. I just looked him up and Chuck (he really does go by Chuck–I’m not being rude) is an evangelical Christian pastor and he’s got some pretty dandy, non-religious quotes on life. Pretty sure we’ll be seeing his name again.

Spring is clearly bi-polar this year. As far as the tulips are concerned, spring has been here for a while. As far as the rest of us are concerned–HA! Pi is rather annoyed that it isn’t really shorts weather yet. That hasn’t stopped her from wearing shorts, mind you.

Stay warm. Enjoy Spring. React well to life.

Love, Mom


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4/16/13 Spring in the Cinci

springDear Kid,

We are not known for Spring here in Cincinnati.

It’s more of a tug-of-war between summer and winter, with some days beautifully warm and others ridiculously cold. Eventually summer wins, pulls winter into the mud pit and blat! it’s 90-zillion degrees.

So I’ve come up with my own definition of spring (sorry Mother Nature, you’re just not really on the job).

Spring (as far as I’m concerned) is one (maybe two) glorious days when I look out the window to the backyard and see tiny little buds on all the trees. Individually they aren’t much, but all together they paint the trees in a Crayola Spring Green brightness. If I’m lucky, the daffodils are chiming in and there are a few crocuses left in front of the house. If I’m super lucky, the pollen count isn’t too high (Ha! never happens that way in Cincinnati).

So, regardless of what the calendar says, today is Spring. Happy Spring, sweetie.

Love, Mom

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