Dear Kid,

Seriously, you know NOTHING about hair. I am an expert. DearKidLoveMom.comMy pillow and I must have had Some Kind of argument during the night because I woke up looking like Medusa–on steroids–this morning.

What is it about nocturnal hair-dos that guarantees the look of Hot Mess? Hair-dos that overnight become hair-don’ts.

Normally my hair and I get along overnight. I sleep fairly calmly, my hair does whatever hair does during the night, and a few brushstrokes later all is well with the world. Or at least my hair is somewhat presentable.

Not last night. I don’t have a clue what happened, but it wasn’t pretty. Certainly the after effects weren’t pretty. And it took about 700 hours to work out the snarls (none of which existed prior to bedtime).

I did not enjoy the undoing of the hair disaster.

So I’m going to try to sleep more sedately tonight.

Love, Mom