Five Years Is a Lot of Days

Dear Kid,

Do you know what was happening 5 years ago today? DearKidLoveMom was being launched.

That’s not entirely accurate. I’d written a couple of posts earlier in April, but the 16th was the first day of continuous posting.

Some of the letters have been fun to write; some have been painful (most of those never got published). Some were super easy to write; others refused to take shape no matter how much I stared at a blank screen. Some were really good; others got less stellar reviews.

Now, approximately 1,733 letters later, you are approaching graduation and I am approaching a crossroads (more of a starfish-roads): Has DKLM reached its natural end? Do I keep writing? Do we move in a somewhat different direction? Or schedule? And what about Naomi? (You’re probably not old enough to get that obscure reference. The Electric Company was a show that was sort of the graduate level of Sesame Street. There was a segment on Electric Company that was a play on a soap opera which always ended with the question [that was in no way related to anything] “And what about Naomi?”])

So what do you think? Opinions, thoughts, comments, brilliant insights, and weird puns welcome.

Love, Mom

1 Comment

  1. I have certainty enjoyed DKLM, but I think your talents could take a directional change. Your cleverness and wit could certainly illuminate many a topic. Have you ever looked at the Better after 50 newsletter? It contains a handful of amusing and helpful articles that I enjoy. They could use your writing and research skills.


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