Dear Kid,

You know I’ve been traveling, right?

While I’ve been away, Dad has fallen in love with the BBC show Blue Planet II.

So for the past several evenings, that’s what we’ve been watching (after all, the Olympics are over).

What happened to the baby clownfish? DearKidLoveMom.comBlue Planet II moves at about the speed of a tired dirge, with about as much storyline. But it is strangely addictive. There was a great segment about daddy clownfish moving a half a coconut shell over to the anemone so that there’s a hard surface for momma clownfish to lay her eggs. I’m excited to see the birth of baby clownfish! But we cut to different fish who are about to throw themselves into a pod of sharks.

I want to know about the baby clownfish (who hatch 11 days after the eggs are fertilized).

The music is soothing, the narrator is Britishly soothing, and the cinematography is beyond spectacular. HOW do they get these shots? I think they must have GoPros on marine life.

I still want to know what happens to the baby clownfish.

How do they get the time-lapse photography? Most fish won’t hold still long enough for their GoPro to capture time-lapse.

The show ends. We’re surprisingly calm. Even though we never found out what happened to the baby clownfish. Swim little fishies!!

Love, Mom