Dear Kid,
I know that Ohio University’s big Halloween celebration was last week. (I also know it was not really OU’s since it’s really sponsored by the city of Athens, Ohio.)
But there are some people in the world for whom Halloween is really October 31st. Whether you are going trick or treating (I wonder if you can trick or treat for pizza and study time in the dorm?) or heading to a party or just feel like dressing up, costumes can be tons of fun (stop rolling your eyes).
Unfortunately, what with classes and work and exams and important cell phone time and playing Angry Birds, you may not have had time to think about a costume. No problem. I am here to help (because I am that kind of a mom).
7 Fabulous Ideas for Halloween Costumes at College
1. Put on a pair of sunglasses. Write “JUSTICE” on a piece of paper and tape it to your shirt. Go as Blind Justice.
2. Grab a piece of pizza. Go as a college student.
3. Carry a Starbucks cup. Go as a college student during exams.
4. Grab a friend. Show up together as party guests. Fashionably late party guests.
5. Get a box of cereal. Shove a knife through it. Go as a cereal killer. (Not the most original, but easy. And you get to carry your snack with you.)
6. Write “ceiling” on a piece of paper. Tape to your shirt. Repeat but tape to a ball cap. Practice saying, “Yay Ceiling!!! Go Team!” Go as a Ceiling Fan.
7. Make a sign “Due to the government shutdown, costumes will be delayed by 3 weeks.”
What’s the best costume idea you’ve seen this year? The easiest?