Dear Kid,
Today is your last day of high school. I have no words. (You might want to make note of that.)
It’s weird. In some ways it’s an ending—no more classes. But in some ways, it isn’t quite. There are still senior events, still HS sports going on, and a little thing called Graduation. And you’ll be around for the summer.
In some ways it’s a beginning. I’m just not entirely sure what it is a beginning of. It isn’t quite a college beginning—that’s not for a couple of months. It’s not the beginning of a summer job—that doesn’t start yet.
It certainly doesn’t feel like the middle of anything. You’re not old enough for it to be the middle of your whole life.
So it’s weird. And I’m a little confused.
Here’s what I’m sure about.
You are a terrific kid. You are not the tallest child on the planet or the shortest or the smartest or the most athletic. But you are without a doubt the Best You possible. You are smart, and kind, and giving, and considerate, and responsible, and loving, and funny, and the list goes on and on. I am so, so proud of you and of everything you’ve accomplished so far.
Whether or not this is an end or a beginning or something else entirely, I can’t wait to share the next chapter of your life with you.
I couldn’t be more proud. You are the best and I love you very, very much.
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