Dear Kid,

An anonymous source (code name: Dad) discovered that what some of us thought was vine-y vinca was actually wintercreeper.

When you bring a leaf inside and look it up, it’s obvious. Don’t know why anyone would ever consider it might be vinca. DearKidLoveMom.comWhen you bring a leaf inside and look it up, it’s obvious. Don’t know why anyone would ever consider it might be vinca. Silly me people.

Since wintercreeper is one of the nasty invasive species that cause all sorts of problems, this same anonymous source decreed we should eradicate it from the property. Since I love a good weed eradication, I immediately (and by “immediately” I mean once I’d been convinced that the vine in question was in fact wintercreeper and not vinca) signed up.

Do you know the definition of invasive? If you look up the word, you’ll find it means “refuses to leave the property without a serious fight.” And by “serious fight” I mean this weed has dug in, claimed squatters’ rights, and is refusing to leave without a long court battle. Fortunately, when it comes to weeds, I have a stubborn streak as deep as weed roots, so while it may take a while, we shall (eventually) be wintercreeper-free.

I hope.

Love, Mom