Waking Up with the World

Dear Kid,

Good morning, world! DearKidLoveMom.comI love early mornings.

Well, no. I like sleeping in the early morning.

And I’m not really a fan of the whole “waking up” thing.

I’m not a fan of rushed early mornings (Three minutes to leave for the airport! Aooogah! Aooogah!).

But I find something luxurious in the rare early morning when I’m up and awake and not rushed.

The earth is quieter then. Even Manhattan (the City that never sleeps) is quieter early on weekend mornings. I could walk several blocks and not see another person early on Saturday mornings in New York. Just me and the city.

Here in the ‘burbs the feeling is slightly different. Other people seem to enjoy early morning quiet as well, so I generally see other human beings during those quiet hours. But no one has started mowing the lawn (usually), children aren’t running frenetically (yet), even the dogs are at peace with each other (sometimes).

I love having the time to watch the earth wake up. To take the time to look around and appreciate what is there, in that moment.

I’m busy these days. Very busy. And the break of a few minutes of early morning is pretty special. It’s a deep breath before I dive into the day.

I’d rather sleep another hour or two. But if I’ve got to get up, I’m going to try to find the very best in the day before time gets away from me.

Hope you’re having a good morning, too.

Love, Mom


  1. Ah! I actually felt like I just had a quiet moment with you when I read this. I finished and realized I had just relaxed into your morning. Thanks for the moment of peace.

    • Yay! Excellent!


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