Dear Kid,

I’m simply not ready.

It just snuck up on me this year, and I’m not ready.

I’m not talking turkey, because Others are seeing to that this year. And I’m not talking holiday gifts because I’m never ready for that, so I’m readily unready.

To those celebrating the joy of the season, Happy Today! DearKidLoveMom.comI’m talking about the wind.

I got up this morning, and the wind was howling. It sounded like we were in the midst of The Storm of the Century.

We weren’t. There wasn’t a drop of precipitation to be seen or felt.

There was, however, wind. Lots of it. Screaming through the trees and around the houses.

It sounded like the start of a horror movie.

I was appropriately horrified.

I took the Puppy out for a walk—he didn’t seem particularly horrified—and the wind cut right through my jacket. And scarf. And mittens.

And I’m just not ready.

Winter is definitely coming…

Love, Mom