Dear Kid,

According to My Friend the Internet, there are 21.8 million veterans in the United States. (Actually, that was as of November 2014—MftI is a little behind on statistics.)

Veterans and More | Thank You to All Who Keep Us Safe DearKidLoveMom.comThe point is, many, many Americans have served our country in the armed services. And we owe them a debt of gratitude.

While today is a day to thank those who served in the military, there are many other people who serve our country and deserve our thanks.

Law enforcement personnel, fire fighters, EMTs, doctors, nurses, and all the support people who enable them to do their jobs professionally.

The 911 operators, the TSA agents, the investigators, the K9 trainers, the analysts—the list goes on.

To all those who keep us safe, today and every day, Thank You.

Love, Mom