Posts Tagged "thanksgiving"

Thanksgiving Weekend Is Ending

Dear Kid,

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey! DearKidLoveMom.comThe Thanksgiving weekend is officially ending today. Which is good, because even while we enjoyed every minute of visiting and eating (and eating and eating) we (the collective we) need time to slim back down before the next holiday feast arrives. Which it will. Sooner than my waist will be ready.

Unofficially of course the weekend continues. The shopping, the football, the leftovers (well, not so much in the way of leftovers), the shopping, the traveling, and did I mention the shopping?

Tomorrow is Cyber Monday, but many retailers are offering online deals starting tonight. You should ignore all of them because you are a college student and therefore you should be A) studying and B) hoarding your pennies to pay for things like food.

Some of us have eaten enough wonderful food in the last several days to last us a while. You, however, are a metabolic machine and need to be fed on a regular basis. By not shopping online you can stretch your budget further (more about that tomorrow from our special guest blogger) and avoid all the malware that is expected to hit the web tomorrow.

It’s been wonderful having a few days to spend with you. You are a Most Wonderful Child Adult Child and it is always good to have time to visit.

Love, Mom


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Happy Day After Thanksgiving!

Dear Kid,

Happy Day After Thanksgiving!

Thank you Auntie M (and the entire cooking crew) for a wonderful meal and a great evening.

I have a turkey and carbohydrate hangover (like the rest of the world) and I’m realizing that writing through a tryptophan funk is not easy. I wouldn’t have it any other way and I don’t regret eating any of the deliciousness. But trying to put words together in a coherent manner right now is something of a challenge.

This is complicated by not having an actual topic. Or inspiration.

I didn’t watch enough football to have anything interesting to say about any of the games. I didn’t even watch enough football to comment on the beer commercials.

I didn’t watch enough of the parade to say anything interesting about it. (People marched; balloon floated; commentators blathered.)

I don’t plan any Black Friday shopping so I can’t tell you all about my intricate plan for snagging The Best Deals.

I have some very important puppy snuggling on the calendar, but you already knew that.

I thought about including some Thanksgiving jokes, but according to My Friend The Internet there aren’t any funny Thanksgiving jokes. (To be clear, there are lots of jokes listed, but if you’re over 7 years old you’re unlikely to think they’re funny.)

I briefly considered making up my own Thanksgiving jokes, but that kind of joke is not my forte and did I mention the tryptophan?

No matter what day it is, no matter what I’ve eaten that day (or the day before), no matter what I have or haven’t paid attention to on TV, I love you kiddo. And I am very, very thankful to have you in my life.

Have a great Today.

Love, Mom

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Puppy Conversations | Happy Thanksgiving, Puppy!

Dear Kid,

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Puppy: WHAT is going ON?
Me: It’s Thanksgiving.
Pi: Do you know what Thanksgiving is?
Puppy: It looks like cooking and football.
Me: That’s part of it.
Puppy: It smells like all of it.
Pi: You left out the parade.
Puppy: We’re going to be in a parade?
Pi: The parade is on TV, silly.
Puppy: I’m going to be on TV? That is fantastic!
Me: On Thanksgiving we get together with friends and family and we think about the things we’re thankful for.
Puppy: What are you thankful for?
Me: I’m thankful for friends, and family, and food. And coffee.
Puppy: I’m family, right?
Me: Of course you are.
Pi: Of course, you silly dog.
Puppy: Of course I am!
Kid: Yup.
Dad: Yup.
Puppy: Which means I get the same love everyone in the family gets, right?
Me: Yup.
Puppy: Which means I get the same delicious food everyone in the family gets, right?
Me: Wrong.
Puppy: What?
Me: Same love, yes. Same food, no.
Pi: Oh, Puppy. You get super special food.
Puppy: I do?
Me: Absolutely.
Puppy: Well, ok then.
Me: Happy Thanksgiving, baby.
Puppy: Happy Thanksgiving!

Love, Mom

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How to Carve a Turkey | Eat It Any Way You Want

Dear Kid,

Continuing our theme of Thanksgiving food (hadn’t noticed the theme? We talked about Weird Thanksgiving foods and apple pie so far this week), it seems time to talk turkey about turkeys.

Assuming you’re having turkey and not pizza, that is.

Since it’s Thanksgiving, it’s a good bet there is a bird in your near future. It’s also a good bet that many people will hack their bird to unattractive pieces.

Speaking as a hacker, I can attest to the truism that bird tastes just as good no matter how pretty the slices are.

But as many people are quick to point out, we also eat with our eyes, and there are extra points for pretty.

So, being the kind of mom I am, I found a great video of How to Carve a Turkey just for you.

Now you know. So next year, you can plan to carve the bird.

Love, Mom

More about Turkeys from

Weird Thanksgiving Food, Pizza, and Talking Turkeys

Puppy Conversations | Puppy Talks Turkey

Happy Almost Turkey Day | How DKLM Helps in Office Trivia

Turkey Tryouts | How to Pick the Best Bird

Happy Thanksgiving | 12 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Turkeys

Turkey and Technology

Don’t Let the Turkeys Get You Down

Puppy Conversations | Puppy Discusses Thanksgiving Leftovers

The Discovery of Tryptophan, Leftovers, and a Good Nap

Eating Through Canada | Wonder of Wonder, Meal of Meals

Weird Thanksgiving Facts

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