Dear Kid,

Use caution when entering the kid's room. DearKidLoveMom.comI think we can agree that I am not an overly unreasonable mom. Somewhat unreasonable, maybe, because all good moms (by definition) need to be unreasonable in their kids’ eyes at least occasionally.

But overly unreasonable? Probably not.

And I think we can agree that I am not overly concerned with neatness. I have an advanced case of clutter-itis which has occasionally cleared up, but always returns.

HOWEVER, I think it is important that you understand that even I have minimum standards of neatness.

And at the moment, your room does not come anywhere close to meeting the minimum standards.Use caution when entering the kid's mess.

Which means that you, my dear kiddo, have a project in front of you.

Use caution when entering the kid's mess. DearKidLoveMom.com3 reasons you have to clean your room

  1. I said so – yep, I’m your mom, I get to pull that every now and then
  2. It’s harder to rent out your room when I can’t even walk in to show potential boarders the features
  3. I went into you room to deliver a package and it attacked me. Your room, not the package. As far as I can tell the package is very well behaved. Your room, on the other hand, is rather aggressive. Time to tame it.

Love, Mom