Posts Tagged "Pi Approximation Day"

Happy Pi Day! 3.1415926

Dear Kid,

It is that time of year again. Yes, it is Pi Day.

Pi Day! DearKidLoveMom.comBy now, I’m reasonably sure there aren’t too many interesting facts you don’t know about Pi (the number, not your sister—I’m quite sure there are an infinite number of interesting facts about the GirlChild that remain unknown). But in case you’ve forgotten, I’m helpfully providing links here and here.

In 1879, Albert Einstein was born on 3/14, which is pretty much Pi-cture Perfect imho.

In celebration of Pi Day, we are doing very pi-like things. Like adding pi-ns to pi-interest. We thought about pi-ling into the car and going for a pi-cnic, but the weather isn’t cooperating, so instead of being pi-tiful, we’re having pi-zza around the fire pi-t.

Not really. We’re doing laundry and taxes and things like that. Aren’t you jealous?

Hope it’s a great day, whether or not you pi-ck a way to celebrate Pi Day.

Love, Mom

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7/24/13 July 22 A Fascinating Day | Apologies to the World for Suggesting Otherwise

sorry puppyDear Kid,


E kala mai iaʻu


Gabh mo leiscéal

Je m’excuse

Ich bedaure

Zay moykhl



And many more expressions of Mea Culpa.

I apologize for suggesting stating pronouncing that nothing has ever happened on July 22nd Pi Approximation Day. More than one person has beaten me over the head gently suggested that perhaps had I looked a little harder I might have found otherwise.

I have been shown the Error of My Ways and hereby wish to rectify my statements.

July 22nd is a day filled with many some a few glorious fascinating vaguely interesting events and the birth of one Prince who, while nameless, is occupying most of the news casts and is therefore by definition interesting.

Speaking of which, remind me to look into the business of gift giving to newborn royalty. There was something on the news about it, but I was sweating on the elliptical and didn’t get the details except that there was a chair involved at some point. I’ll get back to you.

Back to the topic at hand. Without further ado, I present Information about July 22 without which your life would be a mere shadow of the glory it could be.

Lemme see….popes, crusades, battles, more battles, City of Albany, NY was chartered, more battles, Cleveland, OH was founded, references to what I hope is cricket because I don’t understand it, lightening kills 504 sheep in Utah (I kid you not), several somethings about baseball, Wiley Post flies around the world, it was hot someplace, it was hotter somewhere else, and – oh, look – on the other side of the earth it was cold, the House of Representatives votes to restore citizenship to General Robert E Lee several many years after his death (what? It got taken away? May have to investigate. Then again, if they name the Prince, I may forget), and a bunch of other stuff happens to people I’ve never heard of.

How could I have been so silly as to think nothing ever happened?

Now you understand the consequences of not conducting proper research.

There you have it. July 22: Pi Approximation Day, As Yet To Be Named Prince’s Birthday, and Really Important Stuff Day.

I promise not to make such rash generalizations again. At least until tomorrow.

Hope today is a mere tenth as exciting as July 22.

Love, Mom

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