Dear Kid,

It’s Pumpkin Muffin time again. Yesterday I made my World Famous Pumpkin Muffins, and in a moment of What Was I Thinking I decided to make a double batch. For the record, that’s a LOT of muffins.

With any luck, there will still be one or two waiting for you when you get home.

Mom's World Famous Pumpkin Muffins DearKidLoveMom.comDid you know that November is National Novel Writing Month? Although I don’t think many people get a novel written in a month. There are plenty of people who can barely get a novel read in a month.

Of course, it’s No Shave November. The original idea behind NSN was not only to raise awareness about cancer by being fuzzy, but that the money that would have been spent on shaving supplies should be donated to help educate people about cancer and/or to help fight cancer.

You are not required to go shaggy in order to donate.

Today is National Cashew Day. No one knows why.

It’s also Eat a Cranberry Day. Don’t know why you’d do that with all the pumpkin muffins sitting here, but to each his own bog.

Can’t wait to see you in a few days.

Love, Mom