Posts Tagged "gift ideas"

Surprise! It’s a Gift

Dear Kid,

“What’s in the box?” When the postal service, UPS, or FEDEX brings something to our house, someone inevitably asks about its contents.

Except at this time of year.

Around this time of year there is an unspoken agreement not to ask about packages. Sometimes we pretend we don’t even “see” a box (which might, just might, contain a gift) that has been delivered.

During the rest of the year, curious kids look in bags that have been lugged home. This time of year a quick “not for your eyes” is enough to keep everyone busy elsewhere.

I love that we love surprises. I have never understood the stories about people who search for their presents so they know what they’re getting.

There is an LL Bean commercial (which I have thoughtfully provided for you) that shows gifts wrapped so that there is no question as to what the package contains—yet the recipients look perplexed about the contents. I love that.

I love the moment of anticipation wondering what’s in the box or bag or envelop. I love watching you slowly rip off the wrapping paper to find out. I love/hate when Dad decides to start a monologue (always a looooong monologue) about what the contents of his gift might possibly be (although I kind of love it more when the monologue ends).

Surprises are gifts in and of themselves.


Love, Mom

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5/24/13 Housewarming Gifts, Friendship, and Dinner

Gifts for friendsDear Kid,

I am having dinner with the fabulous Girlfriendology this evening. It’s a chance to hang out with a good friend, talk a little business, and see her new home. (She’s been there about two months, and I haven’t been over yet!)

I’m struggling with what to bring as a housewarming gift. (New dorm rooms do not necessarily require a housewarming gift; new homes do.)

I thought about bringing cookies or great chocolate, but she’s pretty careful about what she eats so that isn’t a good idea.

I thought about bringing some kind of kitchen gadget, but despite all her expertise in crafting she is not much of a cook so she might not know what to do with a gadget. Also, I don’t know what she has in her kitchen at this point and don’t really want to duplicate things.

Then I thought about something more basic (like a pot) for the kitchen, but I’m still not sure she’d know what to do with it.

I considered a gift card to Kroger. I think it would be a great gift for a recent college graduate, but I’m not so sure it would go over the same way with someone closer to my age.

I thought about plants. Plants are great, but in some ways they feel like a burdensome gift: here is something else for you to take care of! Since I’m not sure what her yard/garden looks like I continued thinking.

Candles are a good idea for some people, but I happen to know she has a lifetime supply. Possibly a two-lifetime supply.

I thought about a bottle of wine, but we’d drink it and she doesn’t live close enough for me to walk home. I need to be up bright and early in the morning—and I don’t drink and drive (and you don’t either, right?)—so that didn’t seem like the best idea.

See how difficult this is?

I considered and for various reasons rejected a passel of other ideas (picture frame, decorative item, magazine subscription, specialty coffee).

In the end, I decided that I’d bring gifts for Brando (the golden retriever) and KitKat (the cat who usually hides).

And me. The gift of friendship and time is not something to take lightly. Although it’s a little tough to exchange if it doesn’t fit properly.

Happy today!

Love, Mom

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