Posts Tagged "cat"

How I Really Want the World To Be (And How It Actually Is)

Dear Kid,

I’ve finally figured out the problem with Life, the Universe, and Everything (extra points if you get the reference).

The problem is that the Way I Want the World To Be is not (unfortunately) the Way the World Is.

Which is sad.

For example, the Way I Want the World To Be is I can eat as much chocolate as I want and still lose weight. The Way the World Actually Is is that my scale says, “Bwah ha hahahahahaha. Ha.”

The Way I Want the World to Be is elves show up to clean the house. The Way the World Actually Is is the dust dragons say “Mwahhhhhahhahahaha.”

There is the distinct possibility that the chocolate and the elves have both been eaten by the dust dragons.

The Way I Want the World to Be is people taking care of their animals in a safe and loving way. The Way the World Actually Is is Rescue Shelters.

The Way I Want the World to Be is me sleeping half an hour later than usual because I have everything ready and I don’t have any early meetings. The Way the World Actually Is is me up at 4:45am because Awake Happened.

Which part of Queen of the World is hard to understand? DearKidLoveMom.comThe Way I Want the World to Be is I’m Queen of the World (or at least my own little part of it). The Way the World Actually Is is that I’m Queen of the World (at least my own little—very little—part of it). Well, more like I’m Queen of my car when I’m the only one in it.

I’ll take what I can get. At least until the rest of the world catches up.

Love, Mom

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Cat Conversations | Cat and Mouse

Dear Kid,

I think I'm being taken advantage of...

I think I’m being taken advantage of…

You just said to catch him. You didn't say anything about what to do next.

You just said to catch him. You didn’t say anything about what to do next.

Just don't let the dog see me like this!

Just don’t let the dog see me like this!

Today is going to be a real Monday, isn't it?

Today is going to be a real Monday, isn’t it?

I AM the better mousetrap.

I AM the better mousetrap.

Murphy warned me about days like today...

Murphy warned me about days like today…

This is NOT right.

This is NOT right.



Where did you put the mouse?

Where did you put the mouse? It was just here…

Love, Mom

Like Cat Conversations and Kitten Observations? Read more:

Voices of a Cat | Kitten Observations

Prefer to read about the Puppy?

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Great Scott and Neutered Scooter

Dear Kid,

Have you seen the commercial for neutering cats? It’s by (as in one more than nine lives).

From their website: Hip spectacles. No testicles. Meet Scooter, the suave neutered cat every Tom wants to be.  He’s playfully catty. And when it comes to being gonad-free, he’s the debonair cat-in-the-know. Hear his take on going sans testes, share his wisdom with friends and sign the pledge to be gonad-free.

Here’s the commercial (you’ll love this, I promise).

And here’s the second one which is even better

See? Great commercials, great cause, Great Scott!

There is an overwhelming lack of clarity around the term Great Scott! The most important thing to know is that (at least for the moment) it is a perfectly acceptable alternative to “holy @#$%!” The phrase probably doesn’t refer to those of the kilt-wearing variety, but rather to General Winfield Scott of the US Army (think Mexican War and early Civil War times).

Now you know.

Love, Mom

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