Posts Tagged "bikini"

Sports Illustrated: History, Facts, and Swimsuits

Dear Kid,

IF you had been around on September 16, 1954, and IF you had been a trend-watching sort of dude, and IF you were interested in sports, you might have noticed the first issue of Sports Illustrated. You weren’t around, so you didn’t notice, so I—being that sort of mother—shall attempt to fill you in.

Sports Illustrated was first published on September 16, 1954. You are now filled in.

But wait, there’s more.

Many people in the magazine publishing industry scoffed (that’s the polite word) at the idea of a magazine devoted entirely to sports. After all, several had already failed (including two named Sports Illustrated). But interest in sports was exploding (if you had been around you might have heard the bang) and color printing was exploding (ditto). All in all, it was a rather explosive beginning.

The magazine more or less (in this case “more”) missed the mark in the early days focusing on polo (the kind with horses rather than water), safaris (the kind with guns rather than cameras), and yachting (the kind with rakish hats). Advertisers yawned and only the snooty rich people cared about the coverage.

Fast forward to the 1960s, when SI (as it wasn’t yet known) began to have full color coverage of sports, began to pay attention to football (the American kind), and introduced the Swimsuit Issue. Wham! (That was the sound barrier being broken as SI’s popularity zoomed up.)

Sports Illustrated has named a Sportsman of the Year since it began. The first such person was Roger Bannister. No extra points for knowing who he is, but you can pat yourself on the back. in 1972 Billie Jean King became the first female to be named Sportsman of the Year.

Love, Mom

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7/5/13 July 5th and Bikinis

July 5th bikini introducedDear Kid,

On July 5, 1946 the bikini was introduced, forever changing the way Sports Illustrated thought about the Swimsuit edition (which—in a coincidental case of dyslexia—didn’t begin until 1964). Other things probably also happened on July 5th somewhere along the way in history, but they pale in comparison to the bikini (at least I assume you’d think so) so I won’t bother you with them.

I will however apologize for being the Sort of Mom I Am. I know you would have preferred a photo of a model actually wearing a bikini. I looked, I really did. But you know how I feel about promoting anorexic, airbrushed models, and some of the photos I found of non-models were …um… a little too realistic. Hence the bikini sans model. Besides, white is not a good color for a bikini for 99.8% of the women in the world. Don’t get me started.

Hope you had a good, if damp, Fourth. Who knew we had a Rainy Season here in Southwest Ohio? Apparently it begins immediately after the last snow storm and lasts for-e-ver. According to our resident meteorologist (Dad), we really didn’t have that much rain in June. It’s just that it rained pretty much every day. July shows every sign of imitating June, soggy weather-wise. I know I said you have to make your own sunshine (and for the record, I still believe that), but I’m starting to grow webbing between my toes, and the weeds are beginning to take over the garden.

All of which means there isn’t a lot of bikini wearing around here.

Have a fab Friday, kid,

Love, Mom




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