Dear Kid,

I understand that exercise is good. I understand that it’s important to get up and move around a little every now and then.

But it’s cold. And I’m snuggled under the covers and I do not wish to emerge until spring.

But it’s cold. And I’m snuggled under the covers and I do not wish to emerge until spring. DearKidLoveMom.comThe warm part of spring.

So I’m trying to figure out how to do everything from the cocoon of my comforter. Some things are easier than others.

Thinking. Easy.

Writing to you. Easy.

Cooking. Difficult.

Showering. Pretty much impossible.

Talking on the phone. No problem.

Going to work. Big problem.

Online shopping. Uncomplicated.

IRL shoe shopping. Complicated.

Sleeping. Easy.

Brushing teeth. Tricky.

I remember reading a science fiction story about a guy who was severely injured. While he was recuperating, he was confined to bed. And the chief computer took care of everything—including somehow managing to instantly clean the sheets when he, um, soiled them. I’m not saying I want to pee in bed, but if the technology were available I wouldn’t have to tiptoe through the arctic to get to the bathroom.

Just sayin’.

Love, Mom

Happy Birthday, Auntie M!