Small Business Saturday and Turkey Soup | Dear Kid, Love Mom


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Small Business Saturday and Turkey Soup

Dear Kid,

Happy Small Business Saturday!

Of all the faux holidays (many of which I love) this may be my favorite—at least when I put my grown-up hat on (which admittedly isn’t all that often).

I love that in an age of huge corporate organizations (many of which I love), there is time specifically to “thank” (and by “thank” I mean shop) small, local businesses.

“There ain't a body, be it mouse or man, that ain't made better by a little soup.” ― Kate DiCamillo, The Tale of Despereaux. Small Business Saturday and Turkey Soup. DearKidLoveMom.comAlso, it’s (I just made this up) Turkey Soup Day. The first round of leftovers is over, and we’re on to soup-mode.

Soup is comforting. Soup is fortifying. Soup is healing. Soup is medicinal. Soup is warm. Soup is…soup. There have been books written about soup (quick, name two not including recipe books).

Love, Mom

Stone Soup by Ann Mcgovern

The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo

Add more Soup books in the comments


  1. Chicken Soup with Rice by Maurice Sendak

    • Of course!


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