Dear Kid,

There is a Sleep Thief in the house.

I don’t mean there is a thief sleeping in the house (that’s a scary idea). I mean someone or something is stealing the sleep.

When you're so tired you fall asleep wherever you just happen to be... DearKidLoveMom.comI know this because I was awake all night. I documented every minute of every hour.

Have you any idea how boring an entirely dark house is? Extremely boring. It should be boring enough to lull one to sleep.

Apparently it was dull enough to lull one to sleep, but that “one” was Dad.

I watched ridiculous hours turn into even more ridiculous hours. Finally at You’re Getting Up at WHAT Time? I got up and walked a very confused Puppy.

Now I’m going to finish my coffee, search for the Thief, and hope I don’t start napping at 10am.

Love, Mom