Dear Kid,

It's all you little football. Well, you and the commercials. Happy Super Bowl! DearKidLoveMom.comPart I

As you probably have heard by now, The Rodent (aka Punxsutawney Phil) saw his shadow and – according to the Laws of Physics and Popular Culture – thereby determined winter will never end.

If one believes in the predictive power of groundhogs (as one should), don’t put away your mittens.

Part II

You may also have heard that Our Beloved Fiona the Hippo predicted that the Eagles would win the Super Bowl.

1Q: Eagles 9; Patriots 3

2Q: Eagles 22: Patriots 12

No one predicted the crazy straddle tackle.

No one predicted all the missed kicks. Or that given all the missed kicks we’d have a rookie FG record set.

No one predicted QBs as receivers.

Everyone predicted halftime. But perhaps not quite that many set changes.

3Q: Eagles 29; Patriots 26. Wait, what?

Yep. Stay tuned.



Eagles 41; Patriots 33.

Fiona is RIGHT!

No one predicted that we’d have so many combined points. Or so many combined offensive yards (1,152 yards – the most in any post season game ever). Or so few punts. Or that the game would come down to the last play.

Fabulous Super Bowl.

Everyone predicted that Dad would coach and ref from the couch. And talk during the commercials.

I (correctly) predicted the commercials would win.

Part III

The Puppy has accurately predicted meal time for…well, every day of his life. No surprise there.

Happy Predictions!

Love, Mom