Dear Kid,

Most of the time, job eliminations are bad news. But I just read a prediction about completely eliminating an entire job category that makes me very happy.

Now researchers have decided to tackle some of the harder vision challenges like macular degeneration and glaucoma. They "ayes" have it. DearKidLoveMom.comTurns out that researchers are finding new ways to reverse blindness (eliminating the need for as many guide dogs).

Some of us with less than perfect eyesight simply rely on contacts or glasses to bring clarity (get it?). Some of us went a step further and had surgery to deal with cataracts or just to make it possible to get up in the morning and see the world in focus. Other people have vision challenges that can’t be cured as easily if at all.

Now researchers have decided to tackle some of the harder vision challenges like macular degeneration and glaucoma.

According to the article (you can read it here), some animals (like zebrafish) can actually regrow damaged parts of their eyes. Like a newt re-growing a tail, except (presumably) harder.

Researchers have decided that they are going to teach people-eye-cells to regrow. Sounds a bit fishy, right? I joke.

I have no idea how you teach neurons and other teeny tiny eye parts to grow themselves healthy, but it sounds good to me.

So while I love guide dogs and love that they do important work (yay for the guide dogs and the all-important puppy raisers), I’m even more delighted with the idea they might have fewer people to guide.

I vote yes; the “ayes” have it.

Love, Mom