Dear Kid,

Today is Spouse’s Day.

You do not yet have one of those.

I do.

And while the idea of Spouse’s Day is a little weird, it’s also kind of a nice thing. DearKidLoveMom.comAnd while the idea of Spouse’s Day is a little weird, it’s also kind of a nice thing.

It’s nice to have a day to say “I love you.” I try to remember to say that every day (sometimes even more than once a day) but Life has a habit of getting in the way.

There are chores to be done and meals to be made and puppies to be walked and clothes to be washed and work to be finished and dishes to put away and…

Sometimes we need a tap on the shoulder.

A gentle reminder to say “thank you” or to take time for a hug.

So I hope you’ll excuse me if I cut this note short so I have time to give my Sweetie a quick hug.

Love, Mom