Dear Kid,

Back in 1926, Margaret Mitchell was a reporter at the Atlanta Journal. She had to quit her job to recover from various physical injuries, and, with too much time on her hands, she banged out Gone with the Wind which was published June 30, 1936. You never know what can happen during recovery.

On June 30, 1859, Emile Blondin walked across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. This is generally not considered the safest way to cross the border, but it might be one of the most spectacular views—if one were able to appreciate the view during one’s walk. He later did the same thing blind folded which seems to me to defeat the purpose of being in one of the most gorgeous places on earth.

As I believe I’ve mentioned, Dad and I were recently at Niagara Falls (sorry burglars, we’re home now). I am in awe of the sheer volume of water there. One tends to think “Isn’t this magnificent and aren’t we lucky to have been here at this exact moment to witness this?” Only it isn’t just “this exact moment;” the water just keeps coming.

American and Canadian Falls at Niagara

And the power is incredible. Here is the map showing the way the falls have eroded the stone over which they travel. Bit by bit, the water keeps insisting and the stone recedes. Nature is pretty cool that way.

Water beats rock Niagara Falls

On the way back from Canada, we stopped (to be more accurate, there was a lot of traffic and we were stopped) at the border marker.

Frankly, My Dear Kid Love Mom, Margaret Mitchell publishes Gone with the Wind, Crossing Niagara Falls, letter to the college kid from momHave an awe-some day.

Love, Mom