Only 1,600 pandas remain in the wildDear Kid,

The annual Green and Gold Scrimmage is over and done. Since it isn’t an actual game (more like an open practice) there isn’t anything like a score to report. The Important Question of course is Who Was the Kicker? Well, I’ll tell you: The Freshman people managed to score as did the JV team. But the Varsity boys didn’t, so there Was No Kicking (the coaches had said there would be PATs only if the Varsity dudes scored).

Pi did very well during practice before the scrimmage, so that’s good. And three of her friends from TnT came to watch and they kept her company in the locker room which was a nice treat given that she is usually by her lonesome.

The senior players all introduced themselves at the lunch and then we went home.

NOTE: When you are invited to speak—even if it is only to introduce yourself—wait until the noise (chattering, applause, whatever) settles down. That way you are likely to be heard when you speak.

Note #2: When you are invited to speak—even if it only to introduce yourself—speak clearly. Do not mumble.

Apropos of nothing, it was quite a week for the non-human residents of our planet.

Not only are cows celebrating the first beef burger created by stem cells harvested from a living cow (don’t expect one any time soon—the price tag was over $300,000), but pandas and mice also had a headline-making week.

The World Wildlife Fund (quite a good organization) put 1,600 styrofoam pandas in a public art display in Berlin, highlighting the depressing fact that only 1,600 pandas remain in the wild.

Mice Skateboard in AustraliaIn Australia, mice had a good time skateboarding. On mouse-size skateboards. No word on whether there were shrimp on the barbee for on-lookers.

Hope your not-so-pricey, burger was delish.

Love, Mom