4/14/13 Dogs Don’t Get Band-aids

Booker Worlds Greatest PuppyDear Kid,

Turns out, puppies don’t get band-aids, they get antibiotics.

Booker got a boo-boo on the side of his muzzle. Actually, more of a puncture than a boo-boo (to me, boo-boo implies scraped knees or picnicking bears). A quick trip to the vet (and the baby’s first shave) and we learned that just like most people, a little love, a kiss, and a cookie make things All Better. He didn’t need any kind of dressing or band-aid or anything, but the vet put him on a course of antibiotics to make sure there is no infection.

Before you ask, we have no idea how he got the wound, and he isn’t talking.

Dad’s a little nervous about having him outside, but the vet said it’s ok so the two of them are out there right now. One cleaning up the garden and one sniffing. I leave it to you to figure out who is who.

Love, Mom


1 Comment

  1. What a cutie!


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