Dear Kid,

#7. You know it's the holiday season when the cat is in the Christmas Tree. DearKidLoveMom.comIt’s officially the holiday season.

I know this because:

  1. Last night we finished the Thanksgiving leftovers. Even the ones we had in the freezer.
  2. The airwaves have been taken over by reindeer, barking dogs, and commercials for the “perfect gift.Note: You are not likely to receive the “perfect gift” (as defined by the ad agencies).
  3. Not only are the houses dressed up in all their festive glory, I saw a person pushing a stroller—that was lit with holiday lights. (That was a first for me.)
  4. People are at the mall rather than being home watching football.
  5. People at the mall are spending ridiculous sums—like $55 for a knitted hat. Note: You are not getting a $55 knitted hat whether or not it’s the “perfect gift”.

Love, Mom