Dear Kid,

As I mentioned, your sister is attempting to end my ability to breath by involving me in the insanity workout chaos.

Yesterday, I shared my first 15 Reasons for NOT Doing the Insanity Workout. Since I doubt she’ll buy any of those, here are 15 more.

15 More Reasons for NOT Doing the Insanity Workout. With footnotes.

  1. My dog needs me.
  2. I can't do (fill in the blank) because my cat needs me. Right. Cats never admit to needing anyone.

    I can’t do (fill in the blank) because my cat needs me. Right. Cats never admit to needing anyone.

    My cat needs me.*

  3. It would be an insult to the cupcake I just ate.
  4. It will confuse my fat cells.**
  5. American Ninja Warrior is on TV.***
  6. I’m thinking about re-doing the kitchen and I have to go measure something.
  7. I need to pull weeds.
  8. I need to vacuum.****
  9. I need to take the car in for an oil change.
  10. It’s too early. Or maybe it’s too late.
  11. It’s too hot/cold/humid.
  12. I have to go buy mascara.
  13. My boss is going to call then.*****
  14. It wouldn’t be fair to the millions of people who aren’t doing the insanity workout.

*No one will ever believe that. Cats don’t really need anyone.

**Have you ever seen confused fat cells? Not pretty.

***Also NCIS reruns. VERY important.

****As if.

*****Whenever “then” is.

Any other suggestions?

Love, Mom